2016. 12. 16.
SparkLabs Korea
DreamSquare is an AI technology based company in Silicon Valley. DreamSquare has launched the robot career advisor platform called Talent X to help students find their right career path. Within the platform, students can navigate more opportunities that fit with their personal traits ...[more]
2017. 1. 11.
SparkLabs Korea
Tutoring is an on-demand mLearning platform connecting students and global tutors in 10 seconds for live English speaking lessons. Our edges are various topic cards based on interests streaming in screen during lessons and 1/3 of price our competitors charge.
2016. 12. 16.
SparkLabs Korea
UserHabit is a user behavior mobile analytics. With just a few lines of codes, it can track entire in-app user behavior. Such user behavior data can be analyzed and utilized to perform growth hacking via UX optimization. UserHabit provides intuitive analysis reports, such as heatmaps, session playback, user flow, and more. With these reports ...[more]
2016. 12. 16
SparkLabs Korea
X-Brain aims to create software that enables people to use machine learning technology without requiring in-depth knowledge. They believe in the positive impact that can be brought on our society by machine learning technology. With their product 'Alice', they can remove costly barriers of entry for small-medium businesses and focus on wider implementation and ...[more]
2016. 7. 1.
SparkLabs Korea
Opening video for the 1,800+ people attending SparkLabs' DemoDay 7 in Seoul on June 22, 2016. Overview of the SparkLabs accelerator program and congratulation messages from various people in Korea's startup ecosystem.
2016. 7. 11.
SparkLabs Korea
Demo Day showcasing companies in the Spring 2016 class. SparkLabs companies present their company in front of investors, media, SparkLabs mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs. Spring 2016 Class members are Jocoos, JAEM, Landing International, myBox, and Ssenstone ...[more]
2016. 7. 5.
SparkLabs Korea
SsenStone's vision is to open up a whole new philosophy in security & authentication field by using their product, 'StonePASS'. For the last fourty years, it was hard to prevent information hacking with the current one-way static authentication system. StonePASS algorithem was designed based on the thought that ''all information can be hacked'. ...[more]
2016. 7. 5.
SparkLabs Korea
myBOX is an on-demand storage solution for both consumers and businesses who have a lack of space. No need to buy boxes, travel to warehouses, or waste valuable space for storage. myBOX provides convenient pickup and delivery, regardless of your storage needs ...[more]